To throw or launch something in a given direction
“My stepfather would pull a box of Entenmann's doughnuts out of a brown paper bag and toss it onto the counter.”
To throw something into the air such that it spins end over end, especially a coin
“Warnie would toss a coin to determine who was going to sleep in the bed and who on the floor.”
To throw away (something unwanted or useless)
“We decided to toss some of our old items of clothing from yesteryear.”
To move or jolt around unsteadily or abruptly
“One night, a terrible storm swept through the ocean, causing it to toss around violently.”
To move or squirm around restlessly
“I sigh as I toss and turn in bed, trying to find a comfortable position.”
To mix or blend (by tossing together)
“I just cook the sauce in a wide frying pan, toss the freshly cooked gnocchi into it and then serve it from the pan.”
To move or roll in waves or billows
To consume a liquid
To give or hand over
To distribute objects or pieces of something over an area, especially in a random manner
To cause disorder or confusion in
To drop or throw something heavily onto or into something else
To move or be carried by or as if by wind
To rise and fall rhythmically or spasmodically, sometimes violently
To remove, expel or throw out, especially forcefully or permanently
To move materials with a shovel
To move (a baby or young child) up and down in a playful or affectionate way
To stimulate one's erogenous organs
To play a game of roshambo in order to decide a point of contention
To ingest or consume food
To go or move in an exaggeratedly impatient or angry manner
Plural for an act or instance of throwing or casting something
“They finally agreed to choose their fate with a toss of a coin for the guarantee of an uninterrupted period of freedom.”
Plural for a tug using one's hand
Plural for a quick movement, especially up and down
Plural for a sudden or headlong fall
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