Plural for a state of confusion or disorderliness
“Their competitive practices have resulted in utter disorder and confusion in the rate structure.”
Plural for a state of chaos or mayhem
“The press heavily criticized the lack of organization and the disorder in the stadium.”
Plural for the breakdown of peaceful and law-abiding public behavior
“It was suggested that any sign of social disorder in a community would serve as an enticement to others to break the law.”
Plural for an illness that disrupts normal physical or mental functions
“My Dad always thought I had some sort of disorder where my eyes confused themselves or something.”
Plural for an untidy collection or pile of things
“My mind was a seeming jumbled disorder of conflicting thoughts and emotions.”
Plural for a measure of the disorder or randomness present in energy or in a system
Plural for immoral or wanton conduct or behavior
Plural for an unstable time or period, usually marked by intense difficulty or danger
Plural for behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt or damage
Plural for state of being in a notably dilapidated or untidy condition
Plural for emotional or mental shock or distress, which may lead to long-term neurosis
Plural for a hindrance or obstruction in doing something
Plural for a disorder of keratinization that is characterized by the presence of a cornoid lamella
Plural for an incorrect or inappropriate configuration
To cause disarray or disorganization in the order of
“Temperature will always tend to disorder the direction of the moments with respect to each other because of increased entropy.”
To cause a feeling of disgust or revulsion in
To disturb the composure of
To cause to go crazy or insane
To diminish the confidence or courage of
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