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What is another word for volatilities?

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Plural for an unpredictable state of constant or regular change
“The trader must be someone who has the experience and temperament to deal with the volatility of the market.”
Plural for the fact of being in an uncertain and precarious state
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“The Dalai Lama, sensing the volatility of the situation exhorted the residents to maintain calm and not to take the law into their hands and act irrationally.”
Plural for the tendency to behave emotionally or angrily
“His love and patience were the perfect anodynes for the volatility of her temper and her erratic emotionalism.”
Plural for the state of having a low boiling point and evaporating readily
“The rapidity of evaporation varies with a number of factors. One of these is the volatility of the liquid.”
Plural for the fact or state of being buoyant or able to fly
“The volatility of the bird was evident as it gracefully soared through the sky.”
Plural for sudden or rapid changes in mood
Plural for the state of being restless, nervous, or easily emotionally excited
Plural for the quality of being transient, temporary, brief or fleeting
Plural for the treatment of a serious matter with humor or lack of due respect
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