Plural for the state of being bewildered or unclear in one's mind about something
“One should not sow confusion in the minds of our young, denying them the inner strength that comes from a clearly held belief.”
Plural for a situation of panic or disorder
“Elvis' refusal to reappear for one last encore would cause great confusion in the crowd.”
Plural for a disorganized or messy state
“The final result was a total confusion in the layout of the streets and flow of traffic.”
Plural for uncertainty about what is happening, intended, or required
“There is much confusion over what actually transpired on that fateful day.”
Plural for a disorderly jumble
“The result was a confusion of schools, often of the wrong size and sometimes in the wrong place.”
Plural for a state of being nervous, anxious, or irritated
“Between them sat my friend the curate, looking in speechless confusion at a plate of muffins placed exactly opposite to him.”
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