Small problems such as are to be expected with something new
Plural for a sharp, angular, or jagged projection
“Eventually, I spotted a bird perched atop a snag far below me.”
Plural for a rent or tear in a fabric caused by a snag
“He barely notices the snag in his trousers and the deep scratch on his leg.”
Plural for annoyance or exasperation, or something that causes it
Plural for a thing that extends outwards from something else
Plural for a tree that is no longer alive or living
Plural for a fastening made by looping a piece of material on itself and tightening it
Plural for a sharp, elongated tooth or fang, often made of ivory
Plural for a trick by which someone is misled into acting contrary to their interests or intentions
Plural for a physical deformity that spoils the appearance or completeness of something
Plural for a mistake or error
Plural for a food made of ground meat or meat substitute that is packed in a cylindrical casing
Plural for a confused mass of something twisted together
Plural for a quick, often unpleasant, tug or shake
To physically catch onto something
“You need to adjust the wire so that it does not snag the side of the marble.”
To tear after catching onto something
“There are no sharp edges that will snag jersey pockets or cut spare tubes.”
To get or have possession of something
“Please remember that I was a two-bit nightclub singer hoping to snag myself a rich man.”
To acquire or gain, especially in return for one's effort or behavior
To stick, or cause to stick, securely to something
To hamper or impede the movement or progress of
To jam or snag, especially a toe
To tangle or entwine
To cause to move with a jerk
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