The cut stalks of cereal plants left sticking out of the ground after the grain is harvested
Plural for a stem of a herbaceous plant or organism
“As seeds ripened during the course of the experiment, the inflorescences were harvested by clipping the main stalk of each flowering culm just below the lowermost panicle branch.”
Plural for any long, and typically upright, structure or object
“Bananas are not grown on a tree but on a tall rigid stalk consisting of tightly wound leaf stems.”
Plural for a young shoot of a plant
Plural for the male reproductive organ
Plural for a flattened structure of a higher plant, typically green and blade-like
Plural for the action of physically pursuing or chasing someone or something
To hunt or pursue stealthily
“Good hunters stalk their prey. They scare their target into running, messing with their mind so they make a fatal mistake.”
To lurk or prowl stealthily
“The big cats like typically hide in ambush, or stalk stealthily to within pouncing distance.”
To keep a close eye on someone or something
“He cannot come close to her, but he can stalk her from a distance.”
To stride somewhere in a proud, stiff, or angry manner
“One of them gives this part angry, part horrified squeak, and then they stalk off as well as they can in the knee-deep snow.”
To move or walk, especially in an orderly fashion as a group in a single line
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