One of two opposed or contradictory principles or ideas
“This zero-degree photography embodied the opposite pole of the daguerreotype's infinite clarity.”
A long, slender, rounded and solid piece of wood or metal
“Before you angle for gudgeons, stir up the sand or gravel with a long pole.”
An object on which a bird alights or roosts
Rod used with line to hook fish
Either of two abstract things that are as different from each other as possible
Post that holds utility lines
Shaft around which wheels rotate
Top advantage in a competition, occupying the front position, leading the rest
A heavy beam, log, or pole used for forcefully breaching structures or breaking through barriers
A short pole with a broad blade used to move a vessel through water
A section or stage of a journey or process
A shape or sign used to represent or identify a collective group
To propel by pushing with poles
“He watched the boatman pole the raft nearer.”
Related Words and Phrases