Plural for a person's prestige, position or standing, especially relative to others
“Ringo's status as a celebrity grew with each newspaper account, whether factual or not.”
Plural for the legal or official standing or classification of a person or country
“Kindly provide us with an update on the status of the project.”
Plural for the situation or state of affairs
“Let us know if your status changes and you're able to make it.”
Plural for the state or condition of being liked, admired, or supported by many people
Plural for a word or form used before, or instead of, someone's name, to signify one's social or official rank
Plural for a message set by a user of instant messaging software and displayed as part of their profile
Plural for information of interest, usually for a given topic or subject
Plural for the state of having a distinct identity, or being an individual distinct from others
Plural for the domain in which something or someone is active
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