Present participle for to inflict emotional or physical harm or distress upon
“Thus, to achieve the retributive satisfaction they crave, they brutalize their victims still more.”
Present participle for to physically assault or attack someone
“They promised not to harm them, not to torture or brutalize them.”
Present participle for to bully in an intimidating, bossy, or supercilious way
“In the vacuum created by weak or failed governments, non-state actors sometimes intimidate and brutalize benign populations into submission.”
Present participle for to make or become less than a human being, like a brute
“The colonization process de-civilized the colonizer by turning him into an oppressor, serving to brutalize him in the true sense of the word.”
Present participle for to cause to become depraved
“The insane, ridiculous, and absurd system, far from repressing crime, has a direct tendency to brutalize the mind.”
Present participle for to desensitize or cause to be callous and unfeeling
“To a large degree, the life he'd led would brutalize him, turning him dispassionate and cold.”
Present participle for to physically attack ferociously and wound
Present participle for to make or become bent or twisted out of shape
Present participle for to cause damage to
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