Cleaned from dirt or impurities
“It is commonly assumed then that the cleaned dishes and utensils are in fact bacteriologically clean.”
Gutted or disemboweled prior to being cooked
“Put the cleaned fish in a small buttered baking-pan with white wine to moisten, and salt and pepper to season.”
Having been made clear or empty
Past tense for to make clean
“I always try to clean the kitchen stove thoroughly after cooking.”
Past tense for to maintain one's household
“I really need to set aside some time to clean my messy apartment.”
Past tense for to free of microorganisms, or from impurities
“It's very important that you clean your wound to prevent infection.”
(of clothing) Past tense for to make clean
“I need to clean my white shirt as I spilled some curry on it.”
(of fish or poultry) Past tense for to remove the innards of
“I asked the fishmonger to clean my halibut before wrapping it up.”
Related Words and Phrases