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What is another word for fabricate?

Need synonyms for fabricate? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

To put together using parts or materials
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“The process used to fabricate the structure also imposes limitations on size and performance characteristics.”
To contrive of (something) using skill or ingenuity
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“There is no substitute for having Captain Lovell on board to take duct tape and fabricate a solution to a problem.”
To concoct or make up something that is untrue or inaccurate
“She did not try to invent or fabricate some explanation for her misdeeds.”
To imitate fraudulently, or to create a fake copy of
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“He didn't find it hard to find a place in the community here and to fabricate a fake ID.”
To tell a lie or something that is untrue
To describe or express in too exaggerated terms
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To tell (usually fraudulently) in such a way as to render less severe or serious
To give or deliver false, fake, or misleading information
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