(of something abstract) To reside or be found
(rest on/upon) To be based on
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An intentionally false statement
“He was a con artist and everything that he told you was a lie.”
A false statement which unjustly seeks to damage someone's reputation
“I am here to set the record straight about the lie that has spread recently about my character.”
The property of being sanctimonious
A cunning trick or dishonest act with the intent to deceive
A place where a wild animal lives
The action of evading something
Situation or facts surrounding something
An action in which one fencer forces the opponent's blade into the diagonally opposite line
The relative alignment or direction of something
To tell an untruth or falsehood
“You always start fidgeting and slurring your words whenever you lie.”
To be in, or to assume, a horizontal or resting position
“You'd best lie here on this bed until your wounds heal.”
To rest or sleep while lying down
“I've always got plenty of work to do, and I'd rather be getting on with that or taking the dog for a walk than lie in bed asleep.”
(of a place) To be situated in a specified position or direction
“Our destination would lie about twenty miles beyond the valley.”
(of an object) To rest or be placed on a surface
“An ancient tome would lie on the altar.”
(of something abstract) To reside or be found
“The reality would lie somewhere between the two extremes.”
To remain hidden or unseen
“Just lie low and try not to draw any attention to yourself.”
(of a deceased person) To be buried in a particular place
“He would lie among the remains of pontiffs from centuries past.”
To make a false show or pretense of
To describe or express in too exaggerated terms
To engage in amorous relations
To spend time in a relaxed, lazy manner
To be positioned over or along a certain course or in a certain direction
(rest on/upon) To be based on
To stay in the same place or condition
(of a material) To stretch or open out
To roll oneself about in something dirty, for example in mud
To lie half-hidden or in shelter
To position or place something in a particular place or spot
To talk extravagantly and imaginatively about
To speak ambiguously, unclearly or doubtfully, especially with intent to deceive
To move or proceed in a given course or direction
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