To visit or call on someone informally
“Would you like to go round and catch up with our old friends from college this weekend?”
To spin physically or mentally (figuratively, in confusion)
“It's quite tiring just watching all of his different wheels go round.”
To circulate or be spread widely
“The news of the celebrity breakup began to go round, with rumors spreading like wildfire.”
To go past or around an object or obstacle
To view by spending time in, usually as part of a holiday or vacation
To move all the way around (someone or something), especially more than once
To spend most of one's time with a specified social group
(of a vehicle) To go round a bend or corner
To move continuously or freely through a space, area or population
To move, usually over long distances
To extend or cause to extend in a particular direction
A roughly circular line, route, or movement that starts and finishes at the same place
An instance, occurrence, or pass of performing an action, task, or procedure
A conflict or dispute, typically involving differing opinions, views, or perspectives