In a manner free of stain or blemish
“I decided to go to a local bookstore and buy every single music magazine I could get my immaculately manicured hands on.”
At exactly the right moment or in the right way
Adverb for perfectly clean, neat, or tidy
“You shall not value your carpet floor, your immaculate bed sheets, your lawn, or the spotlessness of your car seats more than the well-being of your dog.”
Adverb for fresh, pure, and untainted by impurities
“The immaculate air seems to vivify my soul.”
Adverb for morally righteous, without guilt or blame
“It would never do to let Chicago learn that there are such things as immoralities. The first thing you know, there might be a spot or two on the city's immaculate crime record.”
Adverb for chaste or virginal in character or manner
“Taro exclaimed that he had no parents, and Giovanni would be flabbergasted at his apparent immaculate conception.”
Adverb for uncontaminated, undirtied, pure, clean, immaculate
Adverb for being in a clean and tidy state
Adverb for consisting of the same substance throughout
Adverb for of, or like, God or a god
Adverb for having exceptional qualities
Adverb for a well-executed motion, task or performance
Adverb for in accordance with the truth, facts or standards
Adverb for pleasantly inviting
Related Words and Phrases