In a secret way, without others knowing
“As I said, you need to be discreet with this information, and you'll understand why when I get to the end.”
In a careful or cautious manner
In a subtle manner
“A fine, tasteful piece of neckwear enables a man to make a discreet fashion statement without feeling foolish.”
On purpose, consciously and intentionally
In a private way, manner, or capacity
In a manner showing clever resourcefulness
“The filmmaker himself is most discreet when it comes to discussing his private life, past and present.”
Adverb for having or showing an ability to deal with people in a tactful way
Adverb for not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily
Adverb for dependable, or capable of being trusted
Adverb for not excessively showy or lively
Adverb for plain in nature or appearance, without ostentation
Adverb for characterized by sound judgment
Adverb for free from indecency or obscenity
Adverb for seeking to minimize or reduce to a minimum
Adverb for suited or acceptable to the purpose or circumstances
Adverb for done with or showing thought and attention
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