To recover from illness or about of low energy
“She was still pale and thin, but she had been getting out of bed for two days, eating well, and starting to perk up again.”
To become happier or livelier
“I will miss the way he would perk up when I came home from school, work or play.”
To give new strength or energy to
“Buy something new. If that doesn't perk up your spirits, buy something antique!”
To stand erect or upright
“His ears would perk up, his tail would wag, and he'd start running back and forth along the beach, hoping to hear the sound of Tim's returning boat.”
To instigate the curiosity or attention of someone
To trigger enthusiasm or eagerness
To get out of bed
To elevate to a higher place or position
To fix or repair something
To improve, typically by making as close to perfect as possible
To stop behaving or feeling in a way that is unproductive
To enhance the value of something, or to make more efficient