Opposite of to bring into existence
“You can destroy the evidence by smashing it with a hammer.”
Opposite of to design with a new shape or form
“Our graphic designer happened to neglect the creation of a new layout for the website.”
Opposite of to be creative or imaginative
“Lacking any creativity, he would merely imitate the works of other artists around him.”
Opposite of to start or establish
“The government plans to dismantle the old organization with an eye towards establishing a more current version.”
Opposite of to cause or bring about through action
“The competence of our engineers will prevent any engine-failure.”
Opposite of to confer a title
“The King will revoke his knighthood due to his treason.”
Opposite of to create or birth new life
“The horrific genocide would eradicate much precious life in the region.”
(colloquial) Opposite of to make a fuss or complain
“Kids generally calm down after receiving attention.”
Opposite of to bring about or cause to happen
Opposite of to obtain, arrange, or achieve by indirect, complicated or intensive efforts
Opposite of to devise and carry out how something looks and functions
“Your blatant attempt to plagiarize another artist's work will not go unnoticed.”
Opposite of to complain or express discontent in a wearisome manner
(result in) Opposite of to have as a consequence
“Hyperactivity can sometimes begin with the consumption of too much sugar.”
Opposite of to criticise for petty or frivolous reasons
Opposite of to take the first step into something
“We need to finish this business we started!”
Opposite of to produce or make (something) from whatever is available
Opposite of to be the cause of
“Your method for conducting the experiment will introduce an anomaly that will impede the desired outcome.”
Opposite of to cause to occur or appear, especially through provocation
“Allay your fears as the reigning champion has announced that he will not be retiring anytime soon.”
Opposite of to give birth to
“Dinosaurs would perish as a result of asteroids, or so the theory goes.”
Opposite of to create or bring something into being
Opposite of to yield or produce as a result of an investment of money, time or effort
“For the simple case of a competitive market, it would appear that producers might well lose profits from increased metering.”
Opposite of to make or create something, especially quickly or hurriedly
Opposite of to design or plan for
“MacGyver had to improvise to get himself out of yet another sticky situation.”
Opposite of to express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something
“So keep your chin up, dig into work and rejoice in the fact that the weekend is almost here.”
Opposite of to make a hole
“You can seal any unwanted holes with plaster.”
(idiomatic) Opposite of to invent, create, or think of
“We would miss many great opportunities as we were not paying attention.”
Opposite of to make a false show or pretense of
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