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What is the opposite of keep?

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Opposite of to put or store in a regular place
Discard any items you don't need to avoid clutter.”
Opposite of to hold or maintain
“Please don't lose this heirloom as it means the world to me.”
Opposite of to prevent or delay (from doing something)
“This new feature will help me to finish my work quicker.”
Opposite of to fulfill or satisfy the terms or conditions of
“He would later break his contract to join another organization.”
Opposite of to continue or cause to continue in a specified condition, position or course
Pause for a second, and think about what you want to say next.”
(of an expression) Opposite of to keep from exceeding an acceptable degree or level
“You could see that he was starting to lose his cool after making some uncharacteristic unforced errors.”
Opposite of to continue doing or to do repeatedly
“Can you please stop chewing with your mouth open?”
Opposite of to have as part of normal stock
“Our grocery store will generally disregard produce that is past the expiry date.”
Opposite of to make a living for the benefit of others
“The presiding judge could not understand why a mother would choose to gamble her life savings and ignore her family's needs.”
Opposite of to maintain by writing regular records in
“I remember reading the following verse in one of my workbooks at primary school and having to memorize it.”
Opposite of to associate with
“Three former members would dissociate themselves from the controversial religious group.”
(of food) Opposite of to stay fresh
“The spinach is going to spoil in three days, so use it while it is fresh.”
(of animals) Opposite of to own and look after for pleasure or profit
“Sadly, the owners would decide to abandon their senior dog after their move.”
Opposite of to keep (something) going
“It is high time we abandon this silly practice of howling at the moon.”
(of a shop or business) Opposite of to own or manage
“After more than fifty years in the baking industry, Giuseppi would finally sell his patisserie.”
Opposite of to protect or shield from harm or danger
“Poachers were planning to assault wildlife within the reserve.”
Opposite of to celebrate or commemorate an occasion or its anniversary
“Rajesh comically notes that he would break the strict practice of not eating beef in order to enjoy American food.”
Opposite of to protect from attack, harm or danger
Opposite of to make less powerful or intense, thereby easier to control
“In an ancient era, twin girls are raised as boys to prevent their wizard father from sacrificing them to intensify his supernatural powers.”
Opposite of to preserve from extinction or oblivion
Opposite of to store or set aside for future use
“If you continue to waste your points, you will have no credits left on your rewards card.”
Opposite of to imprison, confine or incarcerate someone
“The captain ordered that the guards unshackle and release the prisoner, as he had served his sentence.”
Opposite of to refrain from doing something
Opposite of to refuse to give (something that is due to or is desired by another)
Opposite of to cease to proceed or act
Opposite of to direct, handle, control, or be in charge of
Opposite of to hold on to or continue to have something, both physically or mentally
“Is it unfair to describe him as something of a megalomaniac, where even allowing for his enormous contribution he appears to refuse to even partially relinquish his power?”
(transitive) Opposite of to maintain or prolong
“Due to recent events, it has become necessary for us to suspend your credit card.”
Opposite of to direct, handle, control, or be in charge of
“I am not going to stand by silently while you mismanage these sacred funds the way you have chosen to do in recent months.”
Opposite of to possess or be responsible for
“Without his equipment, he will lack the necessary tools and equipment to build and repair the unit.”
Opposite of to maintain the focus or attention of others
“You will lose your audience if your speech is boring.”
Opposite of to keep a particular state constant or consistent
“If we continue to undulate our consistency across the season proper, it will be a complete waste of a year.”
Opposite of to maintain, prolong, or keep something going
“The sooner they are rooted out and dealt with the sooner we may be able to curtail what is now a worrying trend.”
Opposite of to collect, acquire or store an increasing number or quantity of
“We need to distribute leaflets, write letters, send faxes, talk to people, get the message across, and change opinions.”
Opposite of to place or store (in or on a rack)
Opposite of to provide with money for a particular purpose
Opposite of to place or store (away) in an archive
Opposite of to keep safe from harm, injury or extinction
“The construction of a new or improved highway would further endanger the existence of those species with habitats located in the path of development.”
Opposite of to control by means of rules and regulations
To dedicate or set aside something for a particular purpose
“The county continues to appropriate funds for senior services that help keep our seniors independent.”
Opposite of to direct or influence the behavior or development of
“What that tells me is that right now, is that whatever is being reported could be information to deceive and mislead people.”
Opposite of to provide housing or accommodation for
“The owners of a local motel would turn away Chico and his family because there were no vacancies.”
Opposite of to be compatible or consistent with
“She complained that a standard witness oath would conflict with an oath she had previously sworn to maintain confidentiality about meetings with her king.”
Opposite of food, clothes, and other essentials for living
“Please don't bring any non-essentials, as our luggage is already bursting at the seams.”
(someone or something) Opposite of the state of supervising, protecting, and maintaining the health and welfare of
“Due to her negligence, Lily had lost the rights to her children.”
Opposite of the action of preserving the state or security of something (or someone)
Opposite of a building in which people are legally held as a punishment for committing a crime
Opposite of the necessities of life and the means by which one secures this
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