Opposite of a violent collision or impact between vehicles
Opposite of a very successful song, film, show, or performer
Opposite of a blow with the fist
Opposite of a hard or repeated hit or strike
Opposite of a loud, deep, resonant sound
“Living in an atmosphere as near noise-free as any on earth, they could hear a soft murmur across a clearing the size of a football field.”
Opposite of a hard strike or hit
“The master was able to knock each of these men to the ground with a touch of his finger.”
Opposite of that which achieves wealth, respect, or fame
“The singer was now considered a nobody after the failure of his latest album.”
Opposite of a strike with a part of the body or an instrument
“To avoid conflict, give them a wave with your hand and walk away.”
Opposite of a forceful collision of two things
“The aversion of traffic calamity was a result of the two drivers' avoidance of an accident, thanks to their quick thinking and reaction.”
Opposite of a great victory or achievement
“After a promising start to the season, the loss now sees them in danger of not playing finals for the third straight season.”
Opposite of to cause to break open or into pieces
Opposite of to completely destroy or devastate
Opposite of to be convincingly victorious over
Opposite of to destroy or damage the value or quality of
Opposite of to hit or strike, especially on the head
Opposite of to break or cause to break into fragments
Opposite of to cause to fail, or to make great attempts to
“This alliance, the only one that seemed worthy of the emperors of the West, might facilitate his takeover of the Greek possessions of southern Italy.”
Opposite of to crash violently into or against something
“She fell back against her seat as Devin flipped the ship to avoid the flying debris.”
Opposite of to destroy or disrupt by means of sabotage
“Dad would often aid my development in tennis by taking me to extra practice sessions.”
Opposite of to burst or shatter violently and noisily
Opposite of to strike, especially with force
“Jobe was terrible at shooting games because he would completely miss most of his targets.”
Opposite of to separate into pieces as a result of a collision, blow, shock, or strain
“The town has appropriated funds to repair the bridge and work should begin this summer.”
Opposite of to crush into a soft, wet, shapeless, and pulpy mass
Opposite of to put an end to
“We will not initiate a war, but if a war is imposed on us, we will defend ourselves with the utmost resolution and determination.”
Related Words and Phrases