Opposite of an object or device that provides safety or protection
Opposite of a (heightened) state of being ready to defend oneself
Opposite of a person who protects or defends something
Opposite of a person, vehicle, or group accompanying another for protection
Opposite of a person whose job it is to keep watch or survey an area
Opposite of one who is holding a captive or captives
Opposite of a defensive wall, especially of a castle or walled city
Opposite of an instance of keeping awake during normal sleeping hours
Opposite of the act of protecting
“This was a cowardly, savage and vicious attack on a man who was utterly helpless.”
Opposite of a barrier, railing, or other upright structure enclosing an area
Opposite of a person who protects or defends something
Opposite of the protective care or guardianship of someone or something
“More needs to be done about the neglect of children in foster care.”
Opposite of a person who serves in an army
Opposite of a person who escorts or shows the way to others
“I continued the trek, just one follower of many led by our expert guide.”
(figurative) Opposite of one who protects or watches over someone or something
“Dutch rigs deadly traps of spikes, trip wires, and pendulous logs, and fashions explosive arrows, as the hunted has now become the hunter.”
Opposite of to protect or defend someone or something
Opposite of to protect or shield from harm or danger
“It was so silent that it was like one of those movies where suddenly a murderer pops up out of the bushes to attack the helpless woman.”
Opposite of to prevent or protect (something) from being destroyed
“He would inevitably lose his hat when the wind swept it from his head.”
Opposite of to take care of temporarily
Opposite of to protect oneself, typically against financial loss
Opposite of to keep the state of something or a place in good condition
“It is your duty of care to ensure that you do not damage the rented car.”
Opposite of to protect the state of someone or something
“This project has been set up to undermine the opposition's efforts to enact their policies.”
Opposite of to appreciate or value highly
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