Opposite of a person who serves under a person (of authority)
(somewhat rare) Opposite of something that comes after another thing
Opposite of a person who is fanatical about a particular activity, person or interest
“Ben is the most vocal critic of Bernard and his penchant to throw in the towel easily.”
Opposite of someone following orders without question
Opposite of an enthusiast or devotee of a particular thing
Opposite of a person in attendance at a royal court
Opposite of a person who conforms to accepted or mainstream behavior or practices
Opposite of a person under the rule of a monarch or government
“George II was the ruler of a medium-sized German state, Hanover, as well as being the British sovereign.”
Opposite of a person who believes, typically in a religion, person, or set of beliefs
Opposite of a true believer, especially one willing to sacrifice their own life
Opposite of one who is devotedly engaged in a cause or mission
Opposite of someone or something replaces another
Opposite of a person who is loyal to a cause, generally used as a political affiliation
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