Opposite of to move behind in the same direction
“We know where the bar is so we can lead you to it.”
Opposite of to pursue in order to keep track of, or to apprehend, someone
“The cops would give up the chase in the interest of public safety.”
Opposite of to stealthily trail or watch
“The detective would eventually lose track of the suspect because of all the commotion around him.”
Opposite of to physically go along with
“My pet dog was strange in that he preferred to stay indoors and would always avoid me whenever I wanted to go for a walk outside.”
Opposite of to act according to specified rules
“If you break the company's code of conduct, you will then be at risk of having your employment terminated.”
Opposite of to carry out a set of instructions
“I would disregard the directions on the back of the box as I felt they were unnecessarily verbose.”
(follow from) Opposite of to occur as a consequence
“The president's decision to raise fuel taxes would cause a revolt.”
(of a speaker, theory or argument) Opposite of to understand the meaning of
“It was easy to misunderstand the true meaning of his words as he had a penchant for speaking with heavy sarcasm.”
Opposite of to take as a model for emulation
“B.B. King's bluesy guitar style would heavily contrast with Steve Vai's rock and metal technique.”
Opposite of to make one's way via a given path or trail
“Do not veer off the path, or you could end up getting lost!”
Opposite of to succeed one's predecessor in a given position or role
“He would precede his son as head of the family business prior to his retirement.”
Opposite of to take an active interest in or be an avid supporter of
“When I was younger, I would dislike basketball, but I love it now.”
Opposite of to keep informed of
“He was a bad accountant, and he would always be uninformed of the latest financial laws.”
Opposite of to happen or take place, especially following an earlier event
Opposite of to understand by thinking carefully about
Opposite of to comprehend or come to understand
Opposite of to comply with a rule or law
Opposite of to hunt or pursue stealthily
Opposite of to move or proceed further along a path or course
“You must remain in this location until you have been given directions to next safehouse.”
Opposite of to move over or back and forth over
(internet, social media) Opposite of to befriend or follow someone on a social media platform
“I decided to defriend him because I found his posts extremely contrived and ostentatious.”
Opposite of to follow or chase after
“At that point, Siringo was ordered to abandon the chase and proceed to Montana.”
Opposite of to simulate, imitate, or make a replica of
Opposite of to be similar to in appearance or structure
Opposite of to happen, transpire, or take place
“We plan on spending the weekend together, the whole family, and I really hope those plans don't fall through because of Felipe's work.”
Opposite of to imitate the style or behavior of
Opposite of to originate from
“By Gemrin's bane, I command you to return from whence you came!”
Opposite of to (start to) discover or comprehend something
Opposite of to comply with the requests or demands of others
(of a proposal) Opposite of to agree or consent to
“Harvey would challenge Rose's suggestion that they should just be friends, and paid the price for it.”
Opposite of to come into being as a result of something
“The tadpole will complete its metamorphosis when it becomes a frog.”
(flow from) Opposite of to proceed or be produced continuously
“It was expected that workplace complaints would diminish once the staff was provided with precise and sufficient information.”
Opposite of to be affiliated with
“I knew that for things to go ahead I had to destroy the physical connections with my old identity and sever ties with the clan.”
Opposite of to proceed, come or flow out from
“With her windows shut, the smell of spices would be contained within my neighbor's kitchen as she prepared her dinner.”
Opposite of to conduct or devote oneself to
“Feeling burnt out from his lengthy course, Harold would stop his studies and embark on a gap year and travel around South America.”
Related Words and Phrases