Opposite of the beginning or commencement of something
Opposite of an inaugural kick-off or opener
Opposite of to instigate an action or event
“Jon says that he wants to leave the Night's Watch because he is disgusted that Mormont already knew what Craster was doing but did nothing to stop it.”
Opposite of to set up or establish
“He will destroy his father's legacy if he runs the business into the ground.”
(of an event or fact) Opposite of to cause or bring about (an action or feeling)
“The other side of the argument is that harsher penalties, especially incarceration, will deter future offending of the particular individual being punished.”
Opposite of to have as a consequence or result
“The expected lull in the economy will negate the prospect of prosperity for most people.”
(result in) Opposite of to have as a consequence
“Hyperactivity can sometimes begin with the consumption of too much sugar.”
Related Words and Phrases