Opposite of to take the first step into something
“We need to finish this business we started!”
Opposite of to come into being or to have one's starting point at a certain time or place
“The two tribes have agreed to cease all hostilities with each other in order to bring peace and harmony to their own villages.”
Opposite of to set up or establish
“He will destroy his father's legacy if he runs the business into the ground.”
Opposite of to start speaking by saying
“I shall now conclude this ceremony by pronouncing you, Husband and Wife!”
Opposite of to mark or announce the arrival of something
Opposite of to begin an undertaking
Opposite of to begin doing something
Opposite of to begin an undertaking
Opposite of to trigger or start movement or progress
Opposite of to bring about or give rise to
Opposite of to start or undertake a task or venture
“Would it not be easier and far more logical to simply forgo this quest and earn some money rather than spending it frivolously?”
Opposite of to have its source
“Glaciers abutting the river disgorge house-size icebergs into the water, and then the current lofts them away.”
Opposite of to act positively and decisively to resolve a problem
“We cannot just sit around and do nothing while the problem exacerbates.”
Opposite of to enter or make an appearance
Opposite of to gradually appear or develop
“There was an assortment of fine traceries on his body. Most were from shallower cuts and would eventually disappear, while others would not.”
Opposite of to start, usually something exciting
Opposite of to originate from
“By Gemrin's bane, I command you to return from whence you came!”
Opposite of to start or commence, especially a process, law, etc.
Related Words and Phrases