Opposite of the action of seizing someone and taking them into custody
Opposite of a stoppage or sudden cessation of motion or progress
Opposite of the ending of an activity
“He secured the continuation of his government through a vote of confidence.”
Opposite of the action of confiscating or impounding property by warrant of legal right
Opposite of a situation or condition in which there is no movement or activity at all
Opposite of the ending or final part of an event, process, or text
“To create dramatic tension at the beginning of an adventure game, start by presenting a problem, typically during a cut-scene.”
Opposite of to take into lawful or authorized custody
Opposite of to stop or halt the movement or progress of
Opposite of to hold or engage the attention of
Opposite of to forcibly put an end to
Opposite of to enthrall, charm or captivate
“I was in very good company, and managed to bore some extremely nice people to death.”
(of a person) Opposite of to catch or apprehend
“On the following day, his mood had improved and he agreed to release the prisoners.”
Opposite of to come, or cause to come, to a standstill
“The classes were stimulating, and the students were able to get together after class to continue where they had left off.”
Opposite of to cause to come to an end
“We've idled for long enough and it is time to start work again.”
Opposite of to stop or keep from happening or continuing
“Drive carefully. We don't want to cause an accident.”
Opposite of to prevent or protect (something) from being destroyed
“He would inevitably lose his hat when the wind swept it from his head.”
Opposite of to overcome or bring under control
Opposite of to hold or engage the attention of
“I managed to maintain a controlled line but the headache and dizziness were starting to distract me.”
Opposite of to act in advance of, especially with preventative measures
“We were headed for the big time, but I allowed myself to be ambushed by the corruption of my Godly principles and I fell deep into drugs and alcohol.”
Opposite of to close or block an opening
“He tried to clear his blocked pipes with a plunger.”
Opposite of to make (someone or something) late or slow
“We should avoid taking shortcuts just to hasten the time it takes to reach our destination.”
Opposite of to set, or to serve as, a limit to
“If you ignore the warnings and choose to exceed the speed limit, you put yourself and everyone else on the road at risk.”
Opposite of to cause to stop
“Criminalizing them does nothing but perpetuate useless and costly cycles of recrimination and retaliation.”
Opposite of to stop the movement or progress of
Related Words and Phrases