Opposite of to become smaller or less in amount, degree or intensity
“Employment of computer programmers will continue to grow rapidly, as more organizations use computers.”
Opposite of to make smaller or less in amount, degree or intensity
“Even though Jack would increase the amount of food he is consuming, he would still find it difficult to put on weight.”
(aggrandize) Opposite of to cause to seem less impressive or valuable
“Some would question whether his methods are merely bids to aggrandize his own status.”
(commend) Opposite of to cause to seem less impressive or valuable
“They would heap praise on the young man's achievements and commend his work with several charities.”
Opposite of to decrease in strength or intensity
Opposite of to cause damage to, or have a diminishing effect on
Opposite of to deteriorate or go into decline, especially physically
“The results of your blood tests show that your health is starting to improve.”
Related Words and Phrases