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What is the opposite of embrace?

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(free) Opposite of to clasp (someone or each other) in the arms with affection
“His voice had gone soft, analeptic even, in an effort to make me free the iron-like grip I held.”
(reject) Opposite of to clasp (someone or each other) in the arms with affection
“Will he pucker up for a smooch or reject her amorous advances?”
Opposite of to accept something willingly or gladly
“They reject conventional norms and rules of warfare and fight with asymmetric means.”
Opposite of to be made up or consist of
“To keep your URL as simple as possible, try to exclude characters such as question marks and ampersands.”
Opposite of to adopt as one's own (something originated by another)
“It's quite possible to reject social conservatism without falling into some exaggerated libertinism.”
Opposite of to wrap or cover closely
“When a movie is described as provocative, it usually means its star has deigned to bare his or her naughty bits for the audience's delectation.”
Opposite of to cover or enclose in cloth or soft material
Opposite of to form a ring or circle around
Opposite of to embrace or hold someone or something tightly in one's arms
Opposite of to enjoy or like something
“Always veering towards the conservative and traditional, they dislike novelties, experimentation or quirky fads.”
Opposite of to follow or obey the advice, guidance or words of
Opposite of to hug, hold or embrace tightly
“I know that it may take a long while for you to forgive me, but please don't push me away.”
Opposite of to choose to take up, follow, or use
“The two nations declared in the Atlantic Charter that they believed that all nations of the world must come to abandon the use of force to attain their goals.”
Opposite of to consider to be crucial or beneficial
“After being lazy for much of my life and suffering for it, I will never undervalue hard work again.”
Opposite of to recognize and abide by
“If you break any of the house rules, you will be kicked out!”
Opposite of to embrace or lie closely together
Opposite of to hold (something) dear
Opposite of to take on a position, role or duty
“He told reporters he'd had to unwillingly relinquish the role that brought him worldwide fame.”
Opposite of to form a ring around
“Together with the Ranger force and the Armored Brigade, the 82nd Airborne Division followed the narrow road north from Maiori to flank the enemy defenses at Nocera from the west.”
Opposite of to stick together (literally or figuratively)
Opposite of to like, or believe that someone or something is good or acceptable
“It is not for me to condemn the actions of man but to suggest that a wake-up call for men to be what God has called them to be.”
Opposite of to approbate or endorse
“Many agree that this conflict is senseless and openly oppose it.”
Opposite of an act of embracing or holding someone or something tightly in one's arms
Opposite of the process or fact of being received as adequate, valid, or suitable
“He dealt with the rejection amicably and sought feedback on what he could have done better.”
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