Opposite of to become, or cause to become, physically weaker
Opposite of to reduce, or cause to reduce, in intensity or strength
Opposite of to adulterate or dilute the concentration or potency of
Opposite of to yield or lose one's resolve
Opposite of to cause damage to, or have a diminishing effect on
Opposite of to weaken or lose strength, or to cause this
Opposite of to lose strength or become weaker
Opposite of to deteriorate or go into decline, especially physically
“The results of your blood tests show that your health is starting to improve.”
Opposite of to expose to danger or the risk of loss
“You need to secure the perimeter of your network in order to reduce the number of external attacks.”
Opposite of to be detrimental to
“Some skeptics have surprisingly suggested that global warming could actually benefit society and the economy.”
Opposite of to stop operating
“You will need some batteries to get that little engine to work.”
Opposite of to cause damage or harm to
“Villagers have launched an appeal to repair a war memorial destroyed by louts on New Year's Eve.”
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