(of a place or position) Opposite of to occupy
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Opposite of to plug or stuff a hole or empty space with something
“Edna agreed to slip the goblet into her purse if I could empty the glass.”
Opposite of to expand or be expanded through the act of filling
“My father eases the jeep back down the narrow planks, and we deflate the tires to avoid a similar fate.”
Opposite of to make or become full
“It was satisfying to empty his trolley and replace it alongside the dozens of others.”
Opposite of to occupy to the point of overflow
“When people began to vacate the train as I neared my stop, I had to climb over the table to disembark.”
(of items for sale) Opposite of to supply or stock with
“Why did they remove such a popular item from the shelf?”
Opposite of to hold and perform the expected duties of (a post or role)
“Her impending motherhood caused her to vacate her position as executive secretary of the Toronto Labour Committee.”
Opposite of to satisfy or fulfill (a want, requirement, or need)
“Over the course of the week, Barry tried out a few arguments for why he did not breach his contract.”
Opposite of to satisfy one's hunger
“I don't understand how a meal fit for a King, could dissatisfy a Royal.”
Opposite of to spread or pervade throughout
Opposite of to fill, pack or crowd into a place in great numbers
Opposite of to stuff (typically with food) to a state of satiety
Opposite of to obstruct, cover, or otherwise block (an opening, a portion of an image, etc.
Opposite of to fulfill or satisfy the terms or conditions of
Opposite of to bring fulfillment or happiness to one's life
“I hope I've done nothing to dissatisfy any of the tenants, least of all you, sir.”
Opposite of to fulfill a desire, demand or need
“In approaching his task under such a misconception of its true significance, he will fail to meet the expectation of his friends and sponsors and is bound to miss that finer sense of service.”
To fill a container or space with a substance
Opposite of to be capable of supplying
“Unfortunately, based on our calculations, wind farms will be deficient for our total national energy requirement.”
Opposite of to fill or crowd around or into a place or area
Opposite of to line or pack with soft material
Opposite of to hold or engage the attention of
Opposite of to refill a hole with the material dug out of it
(of a place or position) Opposite of to occupy
“We would reluctantly forfeit our prime, first-row seats at the concert because we had another urgent matter to attend to.”
Opposite of to compress or cram items, especially to fit into a container
“Distribute the items uniformly in the box so that it closes comfortably without crushing or breaking the contents inside.”
Opposite of to hold or engage the attention of
“I managed to maintain a controlled line but the headache and dizziness were starting to distract me.”
Opposite of to overwhelm with large amounts or quantities
“They put Charlie in a large cell and then deprive him of food for days at a time, periodically giving him water to keep him alive.”
Opposite of to shine brightly, especially with reflected light
Opposite of to use or occupy one's time (in given an activity)
“Mr. Chairman, I will reserve my time for questions.”
Opposite of to provide with sufficient people for operation or defense
“On the day before Lent, the Cuccagna's guards would withdraw from their posts, leaving groups of men free to scale the structure and plunder its booty.”
Opposite of to force items into a compressed space
“Luckily, I was able to fit everything into the box.”
Opposite of to apply a (thin) layer on the surface of an object
Opposite of to give an impression of greater importance than is justified
Opposite of to increase in amount, size, degree or value
Opposite of to prolong or make longer in duration
Opposite of to endow with a quality, ability, or asset
Opposite of to make up or be a part of a whole
Opposite of to fulfill one's role, obligation or duty
“He does not abandon his duties as a husband, father, community leader, or worker just because the journey becomes tedious or boring.”
(one's fill) Opposite of a sufficient or more than adequate amount of something
“The troops went hungry because of the insufficiency of their supplies.”
Opposite of a quantity of soft material that fills or is used to fill something
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