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What is the opposite of abate?

Need antonyms for abate? Here's a list of opposite words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

Opposite of to diminish in intensity or severity, especially gradually
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Opposite of to deduct or omit
Opposite of to annul or abolish by an authoritative act
Opposite of to decrease in strength or intensity
Opposite of to annul or make invalid
“Technically, as all 25 member states must ratify the treaty for it to take effect, it is dead.”
Opposite of to remove or take away (something) from (someone)
Opposite of to cause a profound effect
“Postmodern thought tends to trivialize this desire, if not ignore it altogether.”
Opposite of to become weaker or of poorer quality
“The reception appeared to progressively recover as we shifted the antenna to a different location.”
Opposite of to clear or disappear (gradually), especially of something undesirable
Opposite of to allay a situation that has escalated
“The police would no doubt argue that provocative goal celebrations could incite crowd trouble.”
(arithmetic) Opposite of to remove or reduce
“By naming a list range in the name box, you can select the list at any time, and all new records you add to the list will be included in the listed range.”
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