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What is the opposite of accede?

Need antonyms for accede? Here's a list of opposite words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

(accede to) Opposite of to agree to a demand, request, or treaty
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“Three judges will then decide to either quash the conviction, reject the appeal or order a retrial.”
(accede to) Opposite of to assume an office or position
“In 1450, Jack Cade raised a rebellion to force Henry to address the economic problems or abdicate his throne.”
Opposite of to become a member of an organization
“The only way to prevent this would be to secede from the Union.”
Opposite of to give in or succumb to pressure
Opposite of to give up one's resistance against an enemy or opponent
Opposite of to assume a role or position once occupied by someone else
Opposite of to take over a throne, office, or other position from
“Robert Baratheon's reign of the Seven Kingdoms would precede Joffrey's.”
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