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What is the opposite of restrict?

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Opposite of to keep within certain limits
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Opposite of to set, or to serve as, a limit to
“If you ignore the warnings and choose to exceed the speed limit, you put yourself and everyone else on the road at risk.”
Opposite of to restrain or to keep in check
Free yourself from the tyranny of emotional baggage, and you will be able to move on.”
Opposite of to keep under control, especially something that is increasing in intensity or extremity
“He is the latest candidate to unleash his anger with raw and emotional language.”
Opposite of to hold (something) at a fixed level or in a fixed state for a period of time
“Open market operations were conducted in two directions but did not change interest rates.”
Opposite of to make (someone or something) late or slow
“We should avoid taking shortcuts just to hasten the time it takes to reach our destination.”
Opposite of to reduce the amount or quantity of
“Do feel free to increase the amount of sugar if you feel it lacks sweetness.”
Opposite of to enforce more stringently or more thoroughly
Opposite of to prevent or dissuade someone from engaging in an activity
“She would encourage her husband to eat plenty of vegetables because it was good for his health.”
Opposite of to commit or set apart for a particular purpose
Opposite of to take preventative measures
“If you do not warm up before exercising strenuously, you can almost guarantee injury.”
(of an action or event) Opposite of to prevent from happening
“Despite the best efforts of the protestors, the politicians would expedite the ratification of the new law.”
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