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What is the opposite of assume?

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Opposite of to suppose to be the case, without proof
“These matters are of grave public concern and the people deserve to know the truth.”
Opposite of to take on a position, role or duty
“He told reporters he'd had to unwillingly relinquish the role that brought him worldwide fame.”
Opposite of to adopt a feigned quality, manner or identity
Drop the accent, speak in your true voice, the fake accent is so unconvincing.”
Opposite of to take possession of
“Their rivals generally refuse to relinquish their weapons, fearing that in a pinch the government will rearm or fight on behalf of their enemy.”
Opposite of to hire (somebody) for work or a job
“The sudden downturn in the market saw the ironmasters quickly dismiss surplus workers and cut the wages of those in work.”
Opposite of to assume or consider that something is true or correct
Opposite of to make a false show or pretense of
Opposite of to have a belief or opinion about something, sometimes irrationally
“I will distrust in the existence of any deity until science has proven otherwise.”
Opposite of to expect or foresee the future occurrence of something
“There is an asteroid heading towards earth, but I very much doubt that it will have much of an impact, let alone destroy the planet.”
Opposite of to conceal or disguise one's true feelings or beliefs
Opposite of to appropriate or lay claim to something for oneself without right
Opposite of to assume something as a proposition to an argument
Opposite of to make a false show or pretense of
“Rules concerning relationships contain a requirement to express positive emotions, but also to be honest, which implies the expectation to show true emotions.”
Opposite of to use one's authority to lay claim to and separate a possession from its holder
Opposite of to grant something to someone
“He was still considered a threat and the government would subsequently deny his right to return to the country.”
Opposite of to regard as likely
“I know that is a durian based on the unmistakable smell.”
Opposite of to make a supposition for determining its consequences
“Let's dispute, for the moment, that you won the lottery. How exactly can you afford all of this?”
Opposite of to assume responsibility or authority over a situation or group
To arrive at a judgment or opinion by reasoning
“Based on your good deeds, I conclude that you are a man of virtue and honor.”
Opposite of to learn from information given
“Mr. Stevens, I think you misunderstand my point, so allow me to clarify.”
To logically form, or arrive at, an opinion or conclusion about something
“I believe, based on the evidence, that Mike Diehl facilitated his wife's death.”
Opposite of to assume or accept (responsibility or blame)
“Like most of his countrymen, he would shirk responsibility and would endeavor to throw as much as he could on the shoulders of others.”
Opposite of to believe, based on information
“I am likely to disbelieve the findings of the scientists.”
Opposite of to exhibit or present (a particular facial expression or appearance)
“He checked both Tony and Paul to see how they were doing, noting that Tony was trying to conceal a smile behind a hand held to his mouth.”
Opposite of to discover (something) by guesswork or intuition
“You'll need to know the exact amount of energy required for the warrior to maintain his defenses.”
Opposite of to count on or depend on
Opposite of to mimic (someone or something) scornfully or contemptuously
Opposite of to pretend to be someone or something that one is not
Opposite of to be in expectation of
“I am unaware if he will be posting another update on social media very soon.”
Opposite of to make a false show or pretense of
“He tries hard to fulfill duties that represent honesty and kindness.”
Opposite of to adopt (an idea or creation) as one's own
“They do not adopt an overtly political stance or contradict the precept that physical attractiveness equals romantic appeal.”
Opposite of to accept or receive, typically something awarded
“She had worked hard and tried her best, but would ultimately fail at winning a medal during the tournament.”
Opposite of to accept
“I decided to turn down the first job I was offered as I was confident of getting some better offers.”
Opposite of to dress in a particular set of clothes
“The Terminator would ask a man in a tavern to remove his clothes and give them to him.”
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