Opposite of to acquire new information or skill
“I hope that others can assemble the jagged rhythms of my stories to unlearn common misperceptions about vernacular English.”
Opposite of to be told or informed about something
“Try to ignore the poor spelling and amateurish design, and concentrate on the quality of advice gleaned from years of experience.”
Opposite of to learn by heart, or commit to memory
“Normally, that ought to be a sure sign to someone like me that I really ought to forget about it.”
Opposite of to study or do research
“This program will teach you how to maximize your strengths while minimizing your weaknesses.”
Opposite of to become aware or come to a realization of
Opposite of to comprehend or come to understand
Opposite of to learn or come to an awareness of something
Opposite of to learn by heart or commit to memory
Opposite of to be told or informed of
“Maloney, lying snugly in the bear grass beside the track, would not be informed as to the arrangement.”
Opposite of to learn from information given
“Mr. Stevens, I think you misunderstand my point, so allow me to clarify.”
Opposite of to believe, based on information
“I am likely to disbelieve the findings of the scientists.”
Opposite of to ascertain through analysis or investigation
“The detectives would disprove that Steven was innocent after finding traces of the victim's DNA on his premises.”
Opposite of to show (someone) the way
“He chose to deliberately deceive me to get the upper hand.”
Opposite of to find out through discovery
“Ted would be ignorant as to who the princesses were until he met them in the castle while on his adventure with Bill.”
Related Words and Phrases