Opposite of to embed or implant into a ground or surface
Opposite of to lay to rest after death, typically in the ground
Opposite of to conceal or hide from view, sometimes figuratively
Opposite of to involve oneself deeply in something, especially to the exclusion of other concerns
Opposite of to overwhelm with large amounts or quantities
Opposite of to comprehensively defeat
“He got on top of his larger opponent and then put him in an armbar that forced his opponent to submit to him.”
Opposite of to overwhelm with an excessive amount of something
“As it was, I spent a good deal of time trying to uninvolve myself from my studies.”
Opposite of to fix (an object) firmly and deeply in a surrounding mass
Opposite of to conceal or hide from view
Opposite of to forcibly put an end to
Opposite of to overwhelm (with large quantities of something to be dealt with)
Opposite of to keep something out of sight
“He would subtly display his wares when law officials were not in the vicinity.”
Opposite of to bury in a grave
Opposite of to defeat in a contest, especially by a large margin
Opposite of to engulf or swallow up
“The fog would eventually clear after our car was earlier enveloped it.”
Opposite of to excuse or disregard as unimportant or insignificant
“They develop a rationalization of why they do what they do and feel cut off from social groups that disapprove or condemn their behavior.”
Opposite of to involve oneself deeply in a particular activity
Opposite of to immerse or occupy oneself in something
“When I go about my day and start thinking negative thoughts, I try to distract myself by changing something in my environment.”
Related Words and Phrases