Opposite of to choose or select
“I firmly believe in taking the custom route, deselect any options that you don't think you need and only select those that you do.”
Opposite of to appoint a person in a given role or position
“He still believes it was unlawful to sack him without allowing the constituency party to reaffirm or deselect him first.”
Opposite of to pluck or harvest flowers, fruits, or vegetables
“Arizona is a typical mountain girl who likes to grow flowers, sing, and square dance to the music of the fiddler on Saturday night.”
Opposite of to take small bites or nibbles at or out of
“Researchers have found cutting off the supply of glutamate can halt the compulsion among some to devour junk food.”
Opposite of to cause or incite a fight or confrontation
“He flashed a crooked smile and came forward with much more zeal to end the battle once and for all.”
Opposite of to puncture or pierce with a sharp, pointed object
Opposite of to physically penetrate or bore through a surface
Opposite of to have a preference or liking for
Opposite of to make a choice from a range of possibilities
Opposite of to assign officially to a job or position
“The Council also has the power to oversee the Leader's work and to dismiss him if he fails to perform his duties properly.”
Opposite of to incite or cause troublesome acts
Opposite of to pierce with a sharp implement or weapon
Opposite of to select (someone or something) from a range of possibilities
“Vegetables are something I disprefer over having a nice juicy steak.”
(of plants, fruits, etc.) Opposite of to collect for food
“Word had traveled fast among the local tribes as they now gathered out in the grass fields to distribute the food among themselves.”
Opposite of to select or designate for a role or activity
Opposite of to appoint or specify as a selection
Opposite of to decide on an option (from a range of options)
Opposite of to decide definitely in favor of (one of two or more possibilities)
“Many oppose the cause of temperance because they know nothing or nearly nothing of it.”
Opposite of to reach a decision or recommendation
“Over the next year, he would dither back and forth over his relationship with Peggy while the affair wound down.”
Opposite of to impale or pierce with a sharp point
Opposite of to remove from a particular place
“The chef would place a heap of anchovies on my pizza despite me specifically telling him not to.”
Opposite of to remove or extract (something) by grasping and exerting force on it
“If you push the chip in any further, we are not going to be able to retrieve it later.”
Opposite of to decide on
“The myriad proposals have only served to confuse what should be our best course of action.”
Opposite of to prick or perforate with a sharp object
“All four tires were worn thin in places, and his only hope was to patch the tires and hope to find a nearby farm.”
Opposite of the best or most desirable among a category, kind or class
“People say they are the worst of society, the ones who stain our society, who want to kill and rob us.”
Opposite of a blow with the fist
Opposite of a person or thing viewed as a model of excellence
Opposite of a hard or repeated hit or strike
Opposite of individuals or objects carefully selected as being the best of a class
“The prison island is filled with the dregs of society.”
Opposite of something that is chosen or selected from a range of options
“The protagonist is presented as a woman of uncanny intellectual capacity, but also of extreme ugliness, both of which make her a reject for suitors of her own race and class.”
Opposite of denotes one's preference or right to choose
“You have an obligation to tell the truth.”
Opposite of a thing that may be chosen or done out of several possible alternatives
“When Hobson's choice is placed before one, deliberation is of no great use.”
(slang) Opposite of a personal preference
“When it comes to ice-cream flavors, the fruity ones are my worst!”
Opposite of a powerful stroke with a hand, weapon, or hard object
“He came on in a series of well-placed slashes, and every time she ducked aside, it was a narrow miss.”
Opposite of something, typically a job, considered to be highly desirable
Opposite of a set of different things of the same general type
Opposite of a hard strike or hit
“The master was able to knock each of these men to the ground with a touch of his finger.”
Related Words and Phrases