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What is the opposite of allot?

Need antonyms for allot? Here's a list of opposite words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

Opposite of to distribute or apportion by (or as if by) lot
Opposite of to transfer the possession of something to someone
Opposite of to set apart for a special use
Opposite of to share or be shared out in parts
“This is a concept in which villagers pool money to create a fund from which they can lend out smaller amounts of money to members.”
Opposite of to regard something as being caused by
“Pattern evidence was used by forensic scientists to dissociate the involvement of the suspect from the crime.”
Opposite of to trust to the care of
“I will keep this sensitive material to myself as I do not trust anyone with it.”
Opposite of to (officially) decide on or establish something
“Harry's deliberate actions was a severe shock to Brian's sensitive and affectionate nature and seemed for a time to unsettle his plans and mar his hopes.”
Opposite of to give or award something to someone
“The positive test led to a decision to strip him of his medal.”
Opposite of to allot, or assign, something (as a task)
“Maximillion would withdraw her from the mission if he knew what she planned to do, but she couldn't wait another moment while Lucey suffered in Carcere.”
Opposite of to reach a decision or agreement about
“Something has come up and I will need to cancel our appointment for tomorrow.”
Opposite of to assign responsibility or attribution to
Opposite of to confer a title
“The King will revoke his knighthood due to his treason.”
Opposite of to assign a responsibility, duty, or task to
“Allow me to release some of these tasks to disburden you.”
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