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What is the opposite of acquire?

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Opposite of to come into possession of, or to receive in return for effort
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“They told him that it was very important not to lose the evidence of aliens.”
Opposite of to come to have gradually, or to gain knowledge in
“Heather's mother had Alzheimer's and her doctor advised her that she may eventually lose her ability to speak clearly.”
Opposite of to come into possession of
“I will give my old laptop to my younger brother.”
Opposite of to acquire or gain, especially in return for one's effort or behavior
Opposite of to earn through work or effort
“An inability or disinclination to network with others will likely hamper your career.”
Opposite of to attain or achieve
“If I surrender my search for love now, I don't think I'll feel a shred of regret.”
Opposite of to receive a particular treatment
“If you avoid making mistakes, you will never learn from them.”
Opposite of to buy or procure by payment
“The group used the website to sell goods bearing the image and name of the power station, and it hoped to expand its retail operation.”
Opposite of to get into one's possession
“The street vendor would give me my hot dog once he had finished preparing it.”
Opposite of to come to an awareness of something
“She tried to hide all evidence of her crime.”
Opposite of to agree to receive or take receipt of
“He warned the committee that if he were to win, he would refuse his award on philosophical grounds.”
Opposite of to find, or get hold of, by means of conducting a search through various sources
“When finished with the evidence, he must return it to its source.”
Opposite of to acquire knowledge, understanding, or skill in
“Without practice, I will forget how to speak French.”
Opposite of to collect or gather together, especially funds for a given purpose
Distribute these donuts evenly and sparingly to your friends.”
Opposite of to acquire more of something
“If we reduce clutter in the house, it will feel more comfortable.”
Opposite of to accept or receive, typically something awarded
“She had worked hard and tried her best, but would ultimately fail at winning a medal during the tournament.”
(of an illness) Opposite of to catch or contract
“I should recover from my cold within a week or so.”
Opposite of to obtain or capture something through force, conquest or victory
“Daenerys leads her army of Unsullied soldiers to liberate the enslaved populace of Slaver's Bay.”
Opposite of to (selectively) take or derive from a source
“Although it was possible for us to originate the text for a subject such as World War II, it would obviously be impossible for us to originate the images.”
Opposite of to gradually appear or develop
“There was an assortment of fine traceries on his body. Most were from shallower cuts and would eventually disappear, while others would not.”
Opposite of to have a clear idea or understanding of
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