(of income or profit) Opposite of without deduction of tax or other contributions
“The company constantly uses nonrecurring items such as restructuring charges to make its net income look better than cash flow would suggest.”
Opposite of vulgar or coarse in nature
“Brian is recognized as a comedian with unprecedented mass appeal and for the fact that his enormous arsenal of jokes is entirely clean.”
Opposite of lacking refinement in behavior or manner
“Prince Napoleon was the acknowledged hero of the hour, surprising everyone by his genius as a statesman, by his charm as a cultivated gentleman and man of the world.”
Opposite of conspicuously or obviously bad, wrong or offensive
“No monk was infallible and it was recognized that everyone would at some point commit a minor transgression.”
Opposite of very unpleasant to the point of causing disgust
“It was a traditional wooden house, but recently rebuilt, so there was a pleasant smell of cedar as I entered the porch.”
Opposite of unattractively fat or bloated
“She was a slender woman, almost frail, hiding the grief in her washed-out eyes behind a black veil.”
Opposite of repulsive or not aesthetically pleasant
“He looked attractive in pajama bottoms and that white, washed-out shirt.”
Opposite of very bad or unpleasant, especially to the senses
Opposite of exceedingly large in amount
“Only the frugal ones would find value in meager sums of money.”
Opposite of being predominant across, or applying to, a broad spectrum
“His dissent gives a clear insight into his limited, narrow view of individual liberties.”
Opposite of of an unwieldily great size
“The included electronic flash is powerful enough for your after-dark and indoor lighting needs but is also compact enough to carry around for daylight flash.”
Opposite of of very great size or extent
Opposite of not lacking any part or component
“I have an incomplete recollection of the events that transpired on that day.”
Opposite of clear in meaning without uncertainty or ambiguity
Opposite of the total or whole, usually of profit or income
“Although the London quoted market price is higher, after transaction costs the net is lower.”
Opposite of money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments
Opposite of the whole of something
Opposite of to earn or receive in total
“Sam would net ten percent of every sale.”
Related Words and Phrases