Opposite of the ending of an activity
“He secured the continuation of his government through a vote of confidence.”
Opposite of a period of time by which something is late or postponed
“As the timer ran down, he gobbled up his meal with extraordinary expedition to win first prize.”
Opposite of a stoppage or sudden cessation of motion or progress
Opposite of a situation or condition in which there is no movement or activity at all
Opposite of a halt in movement or operation
“The IOC president would officially announce the commencement of the Olympic games.”
Opposite of a breakdown or failure to function normally
Opposite of to come, or cause to come, to a standstill
“The classes were stimulating, and the students were able to get together after class to continue where they had left off.”
Opposite of to prevent (someone) from achieving an aim
Opposite of to pause in indecision before doing something
“Foreign aid can also have a role, but only to expedite this growth once it starts.”
Opposite of to cause to come to an end
“We've idled for long enough and it is time to start work again.”
Opposite of to swing indecisively from one course of action or opinion to another
Opposite of to give up or abstain from something
Opposite of to cause to be ineffective or deactivated
Opposite of to come to an end, or to disappear completely
“A strange vision would appear to him in his sleep, and he woke up believing he was a prophet.”
Opposite of to stop or keep from happening or continuing
“Drive carefully. We don't want to cause an accident.”
Opposite of to prevent or protect (something) from being destroyed
“He would inevitably lose his hat when the wind swept it from his head.”
Opposite of to switch off or power down (something)
Opposite of to stop operating
“You will need some batteries to get that little engine to work.”
Opposite of having less than fully functional limbs
Related Words and Phrases