Opposite of a supportive base, typically the lowest load-bearing part of a building
Opposite of the action of establishing an institution or organization
Opposite of the central aspect of something an argument or consideration
“As a sidenote, I want to mention that this is no contradiction to McLuhan's famous statement.”
(usually used in plural form "essentials") Opposite of a fundamental element or characteristic
“Frankly, I find the minutia of everyday life much more interesting than the glaring important life-changing events that shape our lives.”
Opposite of the action of establishing something or being established
Opposite of general or basic truths, concepts or ideas
Opposite of the quality of being logically or factually sound
Opposite of the action of establishing something or being established
Opposite of a place or process in which something originates or flourishes
Opposite of the beginning or introduction of a system, policy, period or organization
Opposite of fundamental or basic truths, concepts or ideas
Opposite of the creation or forming of
“Plans call for the demolition of the racetrack and grandstand to provide the necessary space for expansion.”
Opposite of a person or thing that provides stability or confidence in an otherwise uncertain situation
Opposite of an organization, typically founded to promote a cause
Opposite of a structure that complements or supplements something else
“Before induction into a specific branch of the armed forces, recruits undergo at least nine weeks of basic military training.”
Opposite of someone or something that is a source of strength or security
“I had always been a sensible person, but Karina was my one kryptonite, and I seemed to do something stupid whenever she was present.”
Opposite of the lowest part of something, especially the part on which it rests or is supported
“The Canyon Lands is a series of steep canyons, extending from the top of the shelf break through the slope to the abyssal plain.”
Opposite of a belief that one supports
“Your actions have a sense of purposelessness that I find difficult to swallow.”
Opposite of the core or basis for something
“Briefly, the initially adsorbed liposomes seemed to collapse from the outer periphery toward the center of the liposome.”
Opposite of an essential or characteristic part of something
Opposite of something or someone that incites action or activity
Opposite of a morally acceptable explanation for behavior, or for a belief or occurrence
Opposite of the rigid supporting structure of an object such as a vehicle, building, or piece of furniture
Opposite of the process of colonizing or taking over a place or land
Opposite of a (usually technical) description of an event or system that is considered to be accurate
“Experts cannot explain the mystery surrounding Lincoln's survival in the death zone of Mt. Everest.”
(usually "preparations") Opposite of something done to get ready for an event or undertaking
Opposite of an individual rule as part of a system of law or religious doctrine
“Mr. Wizard was arrested for practicing wizardry, a crime worthy of certain damnation in most parts.”
Opposite of a supposition made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation
“Life is temporary, and that is a fact that we have to get used to.”
Opposite of a principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided
Opposite of a need or reason to do or be something
Opposite of the action of investing someone with a title of nobility
“There would be nothing more humiliating for him than the removal of his royal status.”
Opposite of belonging or happening near the beginning of a particular period
“In the recent versions of the popular game, the graphics have become increasingly realistic with more complex game mechanics.”
Opposite of introductory, preliminary, serving as a prelude or preface
Opposite of at the core or in its most fundamental nature
“The recent discipline of bioethics has developed principles of its own independent of medicine.”
Related Words and Phrases