Opposite of a division of a large organization dealing with a specific area of activity
Opposite of an area of special expertise or responsibility
Opposite of a field or domain of activity or interest
Opposite of the domain in which something or someone is active
Opposite of a group or faction within a political party or other organization
Opposite of a company controlled by a holding company
Opposite of a category into which something is put
Opposite of a branch or division of a company or organization
Opposite of the local center of a large business
Opposite of an amount or section which, when combined with others, makes up the whole of something
“There is no evidence of anything in the whole of the universe that is not the result of being the effect of some cause.”
Opposite of an area of activity, interest or influence
Opposite of a commercial operation or company
“The corporation had offices in many countries despite a noninvolvement in South America.”
Opposite of the department or people who manage an organization
“Just two years later, however, the company was forced to appoint a receiver leaving more than 300 employees out of work.”
Opposite of the domain in which something or someone is active
“Blackfoot's refusal to respect a political boundary that did not accord with their own often blurred the line between local and international problems.”
Opposite of a responsibility or duty
“They've dropped the cowardice charges, but he's going to be charged with dereliction of duty.”
Related Words and Phrases