Opposite of the total amount resulting from the addition of two or more numbers, amounts, or items
“It might seem obvious, but the amount you owe is the difference between the total cost and the sum of everyone else's contribution.”
Opposite of a particular amount of money charged for something
“I did my best to explain what had happened and why I was sure he had given me the wrong change.”
Opposite of the entirety or whole of something that exists
“The council currently spends a fraction of this amount on all its other roads combined.”
Opposite of the principal aspect or dimension of something
“This distinction remains on the surface of the problem and does not contribute much to an understanding of the differences in the social development of feebleminded individuals.”
Opposite of an arithmetical problem, especially at an elementary level
“You will get a star Timmy if you can tell me what the difference between 5 and 2 is.”
(rare) Opposite of the top or highest point of something
“When a depressed individual comes close to reaching the nadir of his depression he is like a desert farmer drilling for a well in the dry soil.”
Opposite of a brief summary of something presented
Opposite of the amount of money expected, required, or given in payment for something
Opposite of the basis or essence of something
Opposite of the central aspect of something an argument or consideration
“As a sidenote, I want to mention that this is no contradiction to McLuhan's famous statement.”
Opposite of a payment made to a professional person or body in exchange for services or advice
Opposite of the whole of something
Opposite of an amount of money spent on something
Opposite of an answer to a problem or puzzle
“He has been wracking his brain over this particular problem for hours.”
Opposite of the whole number or amount of something
Opposite of a large amount or quantity (of something)
Opposite of an amount or number of something
Opposite of a large amount or number of (something)
Opposite of an amount of money
Opposite of the total or whole, usually of profit or income
“Although the London quoted market price is higher, after transaction costs the net is lower.”
Opposite of a general description or plan showing the essential features of something but without the detail
Opposite of a large unit of things or people
“The responsibility for redesigning the motherboards has been assigned to a specialized division within the company.”
Opposite of the cost incurred in the purchase of something
Opposite of the climax, usually dramatic, of a gradual increase
“Internet hoaxers produced a four-day long buildup to the biggest software-based anticlimax ever.”
Opposite of the vital part or essence of something
“Welfare is no longer an auxiliary to the ongoing economic life of the people but has become almost their total economic existence.”
Opposite of a brief statement or account of the main points of something
“She is a master of exposition and description, with a ready ear for a telling anecdote.”
Opposite of an amount that has to be paid or spent to buy or obtain something
“Payment is due at the end of this week.”
Opposite of an amount of a commodity equivalent to a specified sum of money
“I intend to show that the prevailing conception of aesthetic value judgments and art evaluation cannot adequately account for the worthlessness of kitsch.”
Opposite of the principal aspect or dimension of something
“We have concentrated only on the periphery of the problem, and perhaps even tried to eliminate some of the symptoms, but the interference problem is still there.”
Opposite of a summary of the contents of a book, article, or speech
“The defendant was required to provide the contents of the email in its entirety.”
Opposite of a brief summary of something presented
“I request a full transcript of the conversation I had with the operator regarding my bill.”
Opposite of a price asked for goods or services
“That ain't working, that's the way you do it. Money for nothing and your chicks for free.”
Opposite of to find the sum of (two or more amounts)
“When you fill out the worksheet, you must subtract the amount of your payment before those deductions, known as offsets.”
Opposite of to compute an amount or value mathematically
Opposite of to summarize a text or speech
“He consistently demonstrates his ability perspicaciously to elaborate on a given scene, theme, or aspect of his novels or short stories.”
Opposite of to determine the total or amount of (something)
“He was standing broadside at what I would estimate to be the second-closest shot I have ever made in the field.”
Opposite of to rearrange or reorganize by reduction or summarization
Opposite of to amount in number to
Related Words and Phrases