Opposite of an instance of a structure falling down or giving way
“The build was carried out over the weekend despite the torrential rain and strong winds.”
Opposite of a sudden failure of an institution or undertaking
“He claims that delegation is the key to the success of his empire.”
Opposite of a state of extreme physical or mental tiredness
“Taking a day off to refresh yourself will most certainly give you the mental and physical rejuvenation to get back on the mat.”
Opposite of loss of consciousness
“Her awakening had come as a surprise to all of us after we thought we had lost her.”
Opposite of a physical or mental breakdown
“His own daughter's recovery is nothing short of a miracle, after five years of struggling with an eating disorder.”
Opposite of a deterioration or worsening in condition, structure or quality
Opposite of an event or enterprise that ends disastrously or humiliatingly
Opposite of the collapse or defeat of an authoritative figure or governing body
Opposite of the state of being dilapidated, reduced to decay, partially ruined
Opposite of an act of dropping or falling downwards
“The ascent into space begins, first slowly, and then rapidly as the tremendous force of the rocket engines pushes the payload faster and faster.”
Opposite of a sudden failure of an institution, person or undertaking
“Having conversations about personal areas where they each need growth can be a vulnerable experience but is vital to the success of their marriage.”
Opposite of a period of mental illness resulting from severe depression, stress, or anxiety
Opposite of the state of being physically unconscious
Opposite of the collapse or bankruptcy of a business
“Hard work and unwavering commitment have naturally led to the prosperity of his family's business.”
Opposite of a disease or period of sickness affecting the body or mind
Opposite of to physically break apart and fall down
“The survivors hoped that their makeshift hut would last in the storm.”
Opposite of to fail suddenly and completely
“Upon those points, I do not entertain the most remote doubt that the plan would succeed in due time.”
Opposite of to undergo a loss of consciousness
“I veraciously prayed over the course of a month for Sue to awaken from her coma.”
Opposite of to fail or be unsuccessful
“After many failed attempts, Kobe would ultimately triumph.”
Opposite of to reduce in volume or size by constricting
“You can expand the list by clicking the arrowhead below the scroll arrows.”
Opposite of to be overcome with emotion
“The driver seemed to be unaffected by the afternoon sun or the constant honking from behind.”
Opposite of to bend and give way under pressure or strain
Opposite of to drop or fall down, literally or figuratively
Opposite of to turn or topple to the side or upside down
(of a business) Opposite of to go bankrupt
“Against the odds, his cafe would thrive in a suburb that was saturated with various eatery options.”
Opposite of to become progressively worse in quality or health
Opposite of to stop operating
“You will need some batteries to get that little engine to work.”
Opposite of to fall down, especially after losing one's balance
Opposite of to reduce in volume or size by constricting
“They asked Amy to shake her clutch bag to loosen the contents in there before proceeding.”
Opposite of to deteriorate or go into decline, especially physically
“The results of your blood tests show that your health is starting to improve.”
Opposite of to collapse or burst inward violently
Opposite of to break or cause to break into fragments
Opposite of to go to a lower level, especially abruptly
“It's not the best view but I can see the planes ascend into the sky as they leave the nearby airport.”
Opposite of to die or cease living
Opposite of to give up one's resistance against something
Opposite of to slump into something
“The room was still silent but I noticed the Chief Operations Officer sit up and a smile emerges on his face.”
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