Opposite of a means or method of defending (against attack)
“Their sacrifice and fierce battle formations would bewilder the Quotakhans' last and largest assault on the City of Shaggar.”
Opposite of a reason or explanation given to justify a fault or offense
“A proliferation of media outlets emerged to serve specialized interests and constituencies as a consequence of economic reform.”
Opposite of a measure taken to protect someone or something or to prevent something undesirable
Opposite of a claim that a circumstance exempts one from blame or obligation
Opposite of a reason or explanation given to justify a fault or offense
Opposite of a defensive wall, especially of a castle or walled city
Opposite of support for an idea or cause
Opposite of a thing that prevents or is intended to prevent someone from doing something
(figuratively) Opposite of a means or method of defending or buffering (against something)
Opposite of a projecting part of a fortification built so as to allow defensive fire in several directions
Opposite of a defense against an accusation
“The defendant did not make an admission to the charges, and a verdict cannot be reached at this time.”
Opposite of a large, highly organized military force
Opposite of a reason or explanation given to justify a fault or offense
Opposite of a thing or object that protects
Opposite of the act of protecting
“This was a cowardly, savage and vicious attack on a man who was utterly helpless.”
Opposite of a person, vehicle, or group accompanying another for protection
Opposite of an instance of rebutting a claim or an accusation
“You will need substantiation in case he tries to deny the claim later.”
Opposite of the condition of being protected from danger, risk, or injury
“The student and parents have severed all contact due to circumstances that would constitute endangerment to the student.”
Opposite of an attack made in relation or response to an attack by one's opponents
Opposite of relating to or characteristic of soldiers or armed forces
Related Words and Phrases