Opposite of an intensive or sudden military attack
Opposite of a fierce or destructive attack
Opposite of a number of things arriving or happening suddenly and during the same period
Opposite of a sudden violent attack, especially by an army or group
“Evidently, the sudden retreat fatigued the troops as well as discouraged them.”
Opposite of a sudden or irregular incursion in border warfare
Opposite of a prolonged armed struggle
“Countries in this region have lived in peace with each other for decades.”
Opposite of an attack of machine-gun or cannon fire from a low-flying aircraft
Opposite of a rapid surprise attack on an enemy by troops, aircraft, or other armed forces
Opposite of a forceful attack or effort
Opposite of a heavy discharge of many things at once
“Billheimer attributed the lack of applause to the overwhelming emotion of both the occasion and the oration.”
Opposite of a forceful rush or flow forward
Opposite of an attack or raid on an enemy
“It is assumed that the fortress was built as a defense against an attack from the north-west.”
Opposite of to bombard with bombs or artillery
Opposite of to confront through the use of military force
“The elves flanked their dwarven brethren to help defend the castle against the onslaught from the orcs.”
Opposite of to attack or bombard with bombs or artillery
Opposite of to assault or attack (someone)
(of troops) Opposite of to suddenly attack and capture (a building or other place) by means of force
“After a futile attempt to raid the fortification, Signorello's men were forced to retreat.”
Related Words and Phrases