Opposite of protection from harm, damage, loss, or theft
Opposite of the act of keeping something in a safe or entire state
Opposite of a means or method of defending (against attack)
“Their sacrifice and fierce battle formations would bewilder the Quotakhans' last and largest assault on the City of Shaggar.”
Opposite of the safety of a state, organization, community or object against nefarious activities
“Assessments of a community's vulnerability to wildfires often focus on landscape conditions or ecological factors.”
(figuratively) Opposite of a means or method of defending or buffering (against something)
Opposite of the act of protecting
“This was a cowardly, savage and vicious attack on a man who was utterly helpless.”
Opposite of intended to protect someone or something
Opposite of used or intended to defend or protect
(caring for) Opposite of looking after someone or something
“Abandoning their young to fend for themselves was a common trait observed in this particular species.”
Related Words and Phrases