Opposite of an instance of movement, activity, or supply stopping or being stopped
Opposite of a cessation of work by employees, typically in protest
Opposite of a period of time by which something is late or postponed
“As the timer ran down, he gobbled up his meal with extraordinary expedition to win first prize.”
Opposite of a hindrance or obstruction in doing something
Opposite of a situation or condition in which there is no movement or activity at all
Opposite of the stoppage of a given service or activity
Opposite of an end or final part or stage of something
“The beginning of the joke has to start strong, and then end with a clever punchline.”
Opposite of disturbance or problems which interrupt an event, activity, or process
Opposite of a public meeting or march protesting against something or expressing views on a political issue
Opposite of a halt in movement or operation
“The IOC president would officially announce the commencement of the Olympic games.”
Opposite of an interruption of continuity or uniformity
“The seamlessness during the upgrading of operating systems is unlike any of its predecessors.”
Opposite of a physical blockage which prevents the passage or flow of something
“Using professional cable machines or drain snakes, we are able to break through the blockage and create an opening for water to flow through.”
Opposite of a cessation from motion or progress
“Should the danger signal appear while an exercise is in progress, the entire command will be halted, and the movement resumed when the danger signal is removed.”
Opposite of a lack of success
Opposite of an organized public demonstration expressing strong objection to an official policy or course of action
“Students held a rally to support keeping the college open.”
Opposite of a means of control or restraint
“To be maximally effective, early detection in primary care and facilitation of help-seeking in the wider community must also be addressed.”
Opposite of action taken by employees of a company as a protest, especially striking or working to rule
Opposite of a sudden failure of an institution or undertaking
“He claims that delegation is the key to the success of his empire.”
Opposite of the action or state of not functioning
“The functionality of the program will depend significantly on how well-written the code is.”
Opposite of an act of holding or being held at a fixed level or in a fixed state
“Amazingly, this minimally detected pressure variation corresponds to an amplitude of vibration of air molecules about ten times smaller than the radius of a single atom.”
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