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What is the opposite of fly?

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Opposite of to move or glide through the air
“She told me to walk this way and talk this way.”
Opposite of to be transported in an aircraft
“I called my mom and told her to drive me to the hospital, because I had injured myself in the shower.”
Opposite of to move through the air in an aircraft
“I recommend you drive on the road that leads to El Salto, which is the most insane and beautiful road I've driven on.”
(informal) Opposite of to move or depart hastily
“Do you mind if we stay here a little longer?”
(archaic) Opposite of to flee or run away (from)
“I believe they will come to me for I always had something for them.”
(archaic) Opposite of to escape from or leave (a given location or place) in haste
“In the event of a raid, the public is strongly advised to remain at home.”
(of time, usually "fly by") Opposite of to pass swiftly
“It's amazing how time seems to slow when I have reduced distractions to a minimum.”
Opposite of to be able to stand up to scrutiny
“This will not hold up in court, because it is possible that you could have inserted material at a later date by steaming open the envelope.”
(with reference to a flag) Opposite of to display or be displayed on a flagpole
“The District Magistrate then called the Deputy Superintendent of Police and ordered him to forcibly pull down the flag.”
Opposite of to vanish or disappear, especially gradually
“Soon the heavens will open and the rain will come.”
Opposite of to move or travel hurriedly
Opposite of to move in a smooth, quiet continuous motion
Opposite of to elevate or extend in an upward direction or motion
Opposite of to escape, or be liberated, from a place of confinement
Opposite of to flutter or wave around
Opposite of to move or pass very quickly
Opposite of to launch or ascend vertically into the air
“Due to the effect of wind, it could happen that by scrupulously following the indicator, the plane would finally land at the destination.”
(slang, dated) Opposite of mentally sharp
“Are they seriously suggesting the public is gullible enough to be so easily hoodwinked?”
(slang) Opposite of smart in appearance
“Even the youngish people around me seemed untowardly geeky and uncool like their mothers had dressed them all.”
Opposite of neat and trim in dress and appearance
Opposite of having or showing skill in achieving one's ends, especially by deceit
Opposite of sly or cunning in manner or intent
Opposite of characteristic of a popular trend or style
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