Opposite of to walk with a confident, and apparently arrogant or conceited gait
Opposite of to move in a playful or exaggerated manner
Opposite of to (excessively) boast about one's accomplishments, qualities, or possessions
Opposite of to walk in a very confident, arrogant, or self-important way
Opposite of to go or move in an exaggeratedly impatient or angry manner
Opposite of to walk or move in an ostentatious manner
Opposite of to display or show (something) for others to see
“The mother attempts to teach the boy to hide his superpowers, even when bullies pick on him.”
Opposite of to walk with long or vigorous steps
Opposite of to aimlessly move or drift from place to place, especially on foot
Opposite of to provide with a sound or secure foundation or basis
“Catrionna, to her credit, did much to seriously weaken the support beneath the orc camp.”
Opposite of a pole or beam used as a temporary support or to keep something in position
Opposite of a solid wooden or metal post with a point at one end
Opposite of a strengthening piece of iron or timber used in building or carpentry
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